Rise In Suicide Among Phoenix AZ Veterans and the need for Dual Diagnosis Treatment

226 Arizona Veterans committed suicide in the past year some in very violent ways. The need for mental health treatment has never been more urgent.

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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Many soldiers returning home from being overseas suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder. Many also do not receive the help they need for either the reason of being too proud or because resources are not given to them. Along with P.T.S.D soldiers often struggle with substance abuse of prescription pain medications. In places like Phoenix AZ where there are a lot of soldiers living, rehabilitation should be widely available to them. Instead of addiction rehab and dual diagnosis treatments being the main concern people are talking about marijuana as a treatment for P.T.S.D and though it may help with the symptoms it is not a cure and is also a drug of addiction. Arizona has the 2nd highest rate of veteran suicide in the U.S and its important soldiers and their families are aware of the help available to them.


Intervention can save the life of someone you love. Making them aware they have a problem with drugs or that their mental illness is a danger to their well-being is possible through intervention. Addiction rehab and drug treatment centers in Phoenix have a staff of certified intervention counselors that can guide you through an intervention and safely get your loved one into addiction therapy or mental health care. Oftentimes an addiction is the result of an underlying mental illness and many people don't understand that. Knowing all of the facts about how to seek treatment for your veteran and how to recognize when they need help could save their life. Unfortunately,treatment centers are sometimes too late before addiction and mental illness take the life of the soldier because they don't receive the help they need in time.

Getting Help

Addiction treatment centers accept many forms of health insurance and does whatever it can to help those suffering heal. Soldiers are subject to seeing horrific things, having limbs shot or hearing bombs go off and that can change brain function, add that with a prescription for the pain and it isn't hard to see why these veterans are suffering. With a treatment center not only are patients treated for their pain but they learn to express what they have experienced in positive ways. Many times it is difficult for returning soldiers to talk about what they have seen and that alone can cause them to change. Finding what ways best help them deal with emotion and their mental disorders means getting them safely to recovery.

The latest records show that 22 veterans kill themselves each day and it is ever so important to know that there is always support.

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